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ChurchSuite is our church member platform to keep us all connected and up to date. On the platform you will find upcoming events, email communications, serving rotas and much more. It is a tool to help you connect with all aspects of Home Church.

Below you will find some more information on what to expect in the ChurchSuite app and how to get access.


See all emails in one convenient place. As well as receiving emails to your registered email address, you can also view all your emails sent via churchsuite on the app.

My Groups

Manage the groups you are part of. Join a bible study group or a team to send or receive communication from that group and stay up to date.

My Details

Manage all the details the church has for you including how you would like to be contacted. A section is also available to manage your children's details as well including medical information.

My Rotas

If you serve on team the rotas menu will be available. Here you can accept and decline invitations to serve and see what role you are serving and when.

My Events

See what is happening at Home Church with the events tab. Here you can see what is coming up and also sign up to any events you are interested in.

My Giving

This tab allows you to manage your giving to the Home Church, either by one of payments or recurring subscriptions. You can also manage which fund you wish to give to and edit any time.


Step 1: Complete a sign up form 

Submit your details via the sign up form. When you have submitted the form you will later receive an email asking you to create a password.


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